Recent In-Spa Reviews
We ask; "How likely are you to recommend Main Street Chinese Massage to friends or family?
4/13/18 9:54p Definately Excellent v2dman@****.com
4/14/18 11:14a Definately Excellent Cicely C. /Flemington
4/14/18 12:38p Definately Amazing! Joe S. /Whitehouse Station
What did you like about our services? From:
​Joseph Ricci
a week ago-
This is a truly amazing store. The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was the beautiful decor and cleanliness. And believe me cleanliness counts for a lot ! The greeter, the therapist was extremely pleasant, has a super personality combined with a great sense of humor. And the best part Is that although she is Chinese, she is English proficient !( unlike the majority of my past experiences with therapists) The massage itself was truly awesome ! The Therapist brought the massage to new level . Aside from the soothing and relaxing body oil message, she added leg and arm stretches. They were outstanding ! My body feels great !!!! It is well worth the 45 minute ride from home . Can hardly wait to come back .